Use the Email Run to Email Ballots to Voters

Note: Before following the procedure here, see Set Up the Automatic Emailing of Ballots for the prerequisites for using this feature.

The Email run in Vote By Mail > Deliver Ballots can email ballots automatically along with a PDF of instructions to UOCAVA voters who have requested delivery of their ballot by email.

Like the envelope, label, and fax runs, the email run evaluates voters' current registration status, party, and precinct to determine their current eligibility and ballot style. This ensures that a voter who makes a mail ballot request, and then moves to another precinct or party prior to the run will receive the correct ballot for their new precinct/party. Voters who moved out of county after making a request, or who became ineligible for some other reason, are included in the Absentee Requests not provided Ballots list in the report produced by the run.

Vote-By-Mail ballots delivered by email are numbered from a sequence over one million, to prevent the numbers from conflicting with those of paper ballots.

When you do an Email run, the outgoing emails are not sent immediately. They are collected in a queue, and then sent by a background Email Sender program, which is a scheduled task run by VRScheduler. Having a background task send the emails frees up the Deliver Ballots program for another run.

To have the Email run actually email ballots, the option VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Vote By Mail > Email Ballots Delivered through Deliver Ballots must be selected. Otherwise the run only produces a report of voters who requested receipt of their ballot via email.

Before doing an Email run, we recommend you read Verify the Success of Outgoing Emails.